In the Land of Milk and Honey by Joyce Carol Thomas

In the Land of Milk and Honey

by Joyce Carol Thomas

A young girl journeys by train from Oklahoma to California in 1948 to begin a new life with her family, and finds there people of all ages and races, new tastes and sounds, and a joyous welcome.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

2 of 5 stars

Whenever it comes to getting a new book from award winning authors and illustrators I become a little giddy and it was the same for In the Land of Milk and Honey. In reading it, it started out wonderfully with a great lyrical rhythm and ambiance, but then it just lost it and felt disconnected almost the rest of the way through. It was off and odd to me, but the illustrations make the book worth it anyway. It's adventurous and new.

*Thanks to HarperCollins for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2012: Reviewed