Walking Through Glass by Isabelle Goddard

Walking Through Glass

by Isabelle Goddard

Can a phone call change one's world forever? It did Grace Latimer's. Despite a smart home in Hampstead, a caring partner and a job that keeps her busy, she is dissatisfied. The house isn't hers, she finds her work stultifying and she is beginning to feel uncomfortably controlled by her partner. When Nick Heysham catapults into her life with a request that she help him complete a contract, she is ready to listen. What she doesn't know is that her search for influential architect, Lucas Royde, and his missing plans for the 1851 Great Exhibition, is set to uncover a Victorian tragedy of desire and disgrace. Nor that the quest will force her to face the truth of her own life. aE

Reviewed by clairelm on

4 of 5 stars

I found this a really interesting and compelling book and I couldn't put it down. The only thing I would have liked to know more about was the ghost and the connection between them and Royde. It did seem to be thrown in there a little bit.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 March, 2013: Reviewed