Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter

Secret Investigation (Tactical Crime Division, #2)

by Elizabeth Heiter

In the wake of a tragedy, they must get to work.

When ironclad body armour inexplicably fails on the battlefield, Army Ranger, Agent Davis Rogers takes on the undercover assignment to find the traitor responsible. Petrov Armour CEO Leila Petrov is reluctant to provide access to her company…until she discovers she's being framed!

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter is the second book in The Tactical Crime Division series.  In this new series each book is written by different authors. This installment features Agent Davis Rogers and CEO of Petrov Armor, Leila Petrov.

      Agent Davis requested to be a part of the investigation into the defective armour manufactured by Petrov Armor. His reason for the request stemmed from the fact that one of his friends died from bullet wounds received in an ambush while wearing one of these armours. Determined to uncover the identity of the person or persons responsible and make them pay, he went undercover at the company. However, he never expected to be attracted to the lovely CEO, an attraction that may jeopardize the investigation.

Leila, who became the CEO after her father’s death, was dismayed to learn that the armour manufactured by her company may have caused the tragedy involving Davis’s friend. Reluctantly she agreed to allow Davis to investigate within her company. She refused to believe her employees would be involved, especially those close to her. Will she be able to accept the truth when it comes to light?

The story started out tragically and ended on a bittersweet note. The scenes in between had me turning the pages as I needed to see how it would unfold.  Davis’s investigation revealed more than just defective armours, which added another element of danger to the story. I guessed  the identity of the mastermind behind the defective armours from quite early in the story, but I hoped I was wrong for Leila’s sake.

As with the first book in the series, the romance took a backseat to the investigation. The story made the reader made aware of the attraction between the characters and evidence of their emotions, though minimal were present in their interactions with each other. If you are a reader who loves passionate love scenes, then you will be disappointed to learn that those were not present in this book.

This story included a sub plot, which added another facet to the story. It featured two characters whose story is incomplete, and which I am interested in learning more about. Although both storylines followed distinct paths, they were interconnected and made for some interesting and dangerous moments.

I enjoyed this installment and thought it was a great addition to the series.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • Started reading
  • 22 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2020: Reviewed