Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour. This is the first book I have read by Jess but I do have her previous two on my TBR pile.

This book had multiple POV which I LOVE. I just love getting inside difference characters heads and seeing things from their perspective. First we have Natasha and then we have Anna. It took me a long time to work out the connection between the two and I thought I had it all worked out but I am glad to say I was wrong. The story flicks between not only these two POV bus also then and now. We don't know how long it is between then and now just that there has been some sort of time gap.

Natasha is married to Nick and they have a beautiful baby girl called Emily. Natasha has everything this could ever need and her life is perfect. I liked Natasha. I thought she was young and naive yes but I think she had a good heart. She was a likeable character despite her flaws. After her daughter had been taken I felt a lot of anguish for her.

Anna was a weird one and as the story unravelled you worked out why so I'm not going to say too much on her. She seemed nice enough but I got this odd feeling from her. Like something was off.

The story had a lot of twists and turns and it was hard to know who to trust. There were lots of layers to this story and it was clearly very well thought out. Sometimes I find psychological thrillers are extremely over hyped but for this one it is definitely not the case. I was gripped early on and struggled to put it down. Each character is very well written and you can easily feel all their emotions as you go through the situations with them.

I really enjoyed Jess' writing style and will be bumping her other books to the top of my TBR pile.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2018: Reviewed