Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

I was instantly drawn to the cover of Spanish Lessons as it fits perfectly with the fun, flirty and sexy theme of this New Adult story set in Madrid.

Vivian Bingley is in Madrid, taking part in a student exchange program for her forthcoming semester. She's there to improve her Spanish language skills and indulge her love of art, even although she's actually studying Economics. She's homesick and racked with insecurity over her inadequate verbal communication skills in the country which is her new temporary home. On her first social outing in this foreign country, Vivian meets Rafa Montoya. She's instantly smitten but dismisses the idea of a relationship to protect her heart because she doesn't do flings!

Rafa Montoya is a cousin of a fellow American student on the exchange programme in Madrid. He's tall, dark and handsome as well as sexy and intelligent. He's instantly drawn to his cousin's friend and wants to get to know her. He's charming and persuasive and know what he wants, but after being rejected by the intriguing American, he understands he has to really turn on his charm to win the heart of a reluctant Vivian.

The writing, especially the sexy times is very understated and perfect. I loved how the words engaged and activated my imagination during the telling of Vivian and Rafa's tentative relationship.
Vivian has always felt she was second best of her friend Maddie and I really felt her struggle to overcome her desire to begin a relationship with Rafa, whilst overwhelmingly torn and loyal to her friendship. At times, I wanted to knock both girls' heads together to put some sense there and was relieved when Rafa stepped in to offer a different perspective to the dilemma.
Rafa, what a guy! Yes, he's determined when he wants something and doesn't stop until he gets it. But wait. He is so much more than that. I loved how he identified Vivian's passions and makes her see and believe that she can pursue her dream if she wants.

Anyone who has visited a country in Southern Europe will identify with Spain through Ms Peterson's writing. If you haven't, then descriptions she uses will certainly take you on a journey.

This is the first book I've read by this author and can't wait to dive into and read the next in the Study Abroad series.

5 stars

***arc generously received for a blog tour stop review***

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  • Started reading
  • 25 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 25 February, 2016: Reviewed