The Escape Manual for Introverts by Katie Vaz

The Escape Manual for Introverts

by Katie Vaz

Trapped in an airplane seated next to a chatterbox? Are you hosting a dinner party with people who just won't leave? Katie Vaz has the key to your escape. The Escape Manual for Introverts guides readers through different scenarios with themed chapters ("Friends," "Family," "Strangers," etc.). Each chapter covers a range of situations, from "An invitation to Karaoke Night" to "Group lunchtime." And she offers a number of escapes for each scenario: bringing odoriferous foods to lunch for a while, having a pet (real or imagined) that "requires" frequent check-ins, and even investing in a jetpack. This book features Vaz's full-page illustrated spreads, hand-lettering, and spot illustrations. From the silly to the sincere, Vaz's clever, hilarious escape plans and bizarre excuses speak to the introvert in all of us. 

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

What a fun read!

As a fellow introvert, I delighted in the anecdotes and "tips" for getting out of social and/or awkward situations. I found so many of the scenarios relatable, and though there were some outrageous suggestions (have a kidnapper on speed dial?), there were many others that I have or could totally use.

Loved the way the author organized the situations, and the artwork just added to the fun. It was also reassuring to see that I am not the only one, who wants to escape from certain social scenarios.

A great and humorous book for all the introverts in your life.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 1 June, 2019: Reviewed