Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

I don't pick up many new adult novels but the blurb piqued my interest sufficiently to want to read Undecided. I love discovering new writers and Ms. Keyes is a new author to me.

Nora Kincaid spent the whole summer working, studying and doing community service thanks to her rather wild freshman year in college. She's unfortunately lost half her scholarship and needs to improve her grades. Long gone are the party clothes and now cardigans are part of image overhaul as she attempts to turn her life around. Only she soon realises how boring life has become. Before the new college year begins, she has to find somewhere to live. After exchanging numerous emails with "Matthew", she goes to view the apartment, only the person who opens the door isn't "Matthew" at all!

Crosbie Lucas is the ultimate party animal and details of his sexual conquests are literally plastered all over the walls of the Student Union bathrooms. He's used to seeing scantily clad young women so he's blind-sided when his best friend Kellan's new room-mate is wearing a frumpy cardigan. Seeing Nora triggers unexpected reactions...lust, but the second one has him rethinking his whole attitude to his student life behaviour. 

Undecided starts off somewhat slowly, but as we are introduced to Nora Kincaid, Kellan McVey and Crosbie Lucas, numerous titbits of their past years escapades come to light. I really appreciated not knowing where the plot was heading, keeping up the intrigue and me turning the pages as I anticipated what was going to happen. It's very easy to think that the plot is developing into a love triangle, but that didn't materialise. An unexpected plot twist surprised me and was refreshingly honest and well done.

To sum up, Undecided is a fun book, laugh out loud funny standalone novel, with some hilarious exchanges between the protagonists. The storyline is amusing until the secrets are revealed, but then it went somewhat flat, prompting me to lose interest and struggle to read to the end. Overall, I feel confident that those more familiar with the genre will find this book highly entertaining.

***arc received via Tasty Book Tours***

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2016: Reviewed