Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

When we met Cash in the first two Promise Me books, I wasn't sure if I really liked him. PROMISE ME ONCE had me changing my opinion of this domineering cowboy, but PROMISE ME FOREVER had me just as smitten with the man as Cat was.

The story starts with Cat, Cash, Gavin and Keely still in Hillside trying to figure out how to get out of the somewhat deranged town. And when their escape goes badly, Cash turns into a man that is convinced he gets those he loved hurt or killed and Cat thinking she is the selfish girl her mother always told her she was. It takes another run-in with the residents of Hillside to finally make these two understand what they mean to each other.

Cash and Cat could be very aggravating, considering most of their issues stemmed from their own issues and not so much what they had together. Anyone could see the two of them were meant to be together. Even Adam, a man from Cat's past who tracked her to bring her back to Hillside, could see just how much they meant to one another. Cash's misplaced sense of saving the woman he loves almost destroys them as he constantly pushed he away while craving her with every bone in his body. That push/pull did a number on Cat and she began to question herself as she felt as if she was falling back into old habits. Even after they escaped Hillside and made their way to Ryder's compound, Cat still felt as if she was being pushed away by Cash by his action and his words.

Giving the personal issues Cash and Cat have, PROMISE ME FOREVER was a powerful emotional read. Add in the suspense of whether or not they would ever be able to make it back home and find their friends, it was an edge of the seat page turner. Paige Weaver knows how to create characters and a storyline that draw you in, making it virtually impossible to put the book down. If you haven't pick up this series, it's definitely one to add to your "to be read" list.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2015: Reviewed