Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

The beautiful book cover is what caught my eye first, the main character called Ariel…well, I am in!

So angels are real! Yes, I said it! They walk around our world but we can not see their wings! Awesome right! Well….not so much if you are Ariel and you have an all-powerful essence hidden away within you!

I loved getting to know Ariel, she is the “nerdy” kid, the one from a broken home, the one who does not want to socialise. However, three new kids come to her school, all of them make a beeline for her! But why?

Upon discovering Ariel’s backstory, it made my heart break for her, to go through what she has done and still fight, well that is no small feat. Ok, so sometimes her attitude needs to be kept in check, and her Rage, who has its own personality!!, but in some respects, she owns it and is entitled to it.

This book starts out at what you might think is a typical “Young Adults” love story, but what unfolds is something much more beautiful and darker! The action starts so much quicker than I anticipated and I loved it! One huge scene in the book, I actually thought it was a dream, I was waiting for Ariel to wake up and the nightmare to be over……then I realised this nightmare was a reality and then the fun began!

When I was reading this, and if you have read this you know which bit I mean, but boy did I have chills! When Tabby and Ariel are travelling towards the lighthouse – oh boy oh boy, that was truly horrifying! I felt like I was there, the sand and the dust in my face, I felt like grit was in my mouth, the sounds, the wind, the stink and the darkness, the true darkness from the fields, I was there with Ariel. Urging her to get through, just get to the gate and get passed the field and lighthouse as QUICK AS POSSIBLE!

Ariel had to pick up her pace and learn quickly, and you feel that when reading. An element near the end of the book was action packed and everything was driven so quickly as the excitement and anticipation ramped up urgently as the chess pieces were being put in place. I am really excited to see where Ariel’s story takes us! You know as well that there is so much more to come with the Angels, the fight of good vs bad and especially with more revelations to come.

I have not read anything by Olga before, and she has given me a right treat with Heavenwards. A story unlike any I have read before. I did not want to do any adulting this weekend, this book was constantly playing on my mind. I was just too eager to get back into the action and pronto! It is the sort of book, that when you are putting it down you are fearing for what is going to happen, fearing that some might not make it back out alive!! As soon as I read the last page, I jumped straight into Hallow (book 2), I am not ready for any of this to be over yet.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 May, 2019: Finished reading
  • 12 May, 2019: Reviewed