Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

2 of 5 stars




Color me intrigued with this series! I love that 1,001 Dark Nights has all these novellas for series that we might like to read. I haven't read from the Masters and Mercenaries series, but Protected did a decent job introducing this world. Even though this novella didn't quite do it for me, I'm looking forward to starting at book 1 with this series because I became rather curious about the other characters that were mentioned.

Now I absolutely love second chance romances as many of you know, so it was a no-brainer to give this one a try. Plus I haven't read a Lexi Blake book before and despite the little things here and there I didn't like, I absolutely loved her writing.

I didn't connect with the characters like I hoped I would. More Wade than Genny. Genny had the absolute worst history in their story that spanned about 15 years, my heart broke for her completely and everything she had to endure. It just makes you darn right pissy at not only Wade but his family as well, ugh his family is a topic for another day. She knows the definition of sacrifice, she never had her freedom. The only peace she had during that 15 years of misery was her son, Ash. And that brings me to the point of how disappointed I was in Wade. They apparently had this very deep and lasting love, yes, they were teenagers and were soon to marry after his basic training. Once he leaves for training, fast forward a little bit of time and he gets a Dear John letter from Genny. And that was more than enough to convince him that Genny didn't want him anymore. Dude, you weren't living in the olden days, you had a chance to talk to her and get the truth, but you ignored it ... for 15 yearsSo yeah, if you can't tell, Wade wasn't my favorite.

After all of that, Genny is a bit hesitant to get back into things with Wade. Sex obviously comes easy for them, but Genny has so much to work through, mentally. I admired that she really pushed to get herself back into a healthy state of mind. Her ex-husband was abusive to her and she essentially lost all control over herself. I can't even imagine what that's like and doing it for so long.

I liked the suspense and am rather curious if the rest of the series is like that because I'm totally for it. I need more suspenseful reads in my love. So yeah, even though this wasn't a favorite of mind, it was a solid introduction that'll definitely leave you intrigued to learn about this series!

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  • 7 August, 2018: Reviewed