Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling by Tony Cliff

Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling (Delilah Dirk, #2)

by Tony Cliff

Globetrotting troublemaker Delilah Dirk and her loyal friend Selim are just minding their own business, peacefully raiding castles and and traipsing across enemy lines, when they attract the unwanted attention of the English Army. Before they know it, Delilah and Selim have gotten themselves accused of espionage against the British crown! Delilah will do whatever it takes to clear her good name, be it sneaking, skirmishing, or even sword fighting...But can she bring herself to wear a pretty dress and have a nice cup of tea with her mother? Delilah Dirk may be defeated at last. By tulle.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

5 of 5 stars

I received this book for free from Rockstar Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.I am about to introduce you to Delilah Dirk, a historical Lara Croft, with her trusty tea-master companion, Mr. Selim. This comic series is a fun adventure for all ages, but don't be too harsh on the liberties taken with history.

It's published by First Second, which has also published Boxers & Saints by Gene Luen Yang, The Prince & The Dressmaker, Hale's Real Friends and many more!

IMHO: Delilah Dirk Series

Trigger warning for #3 The Pillars of Hercules for domestic violence. There's innuendo for torture interrogation in #1, but it's not even close to happening. There's no rape or sexual assault!!! There is some rediculous sexism, but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment.

I LOVE Delilah Dirk! This is a great comic series. Each has a different sort of adventure and adversaries. Mr. Selim grows into his role in #1, they struggle to equalize in #2, and in #3 Selim rubs off on Delilah.

I read them all back to back twice. Still wound up chuckling on the second pass through. Also found more details to enjoy.

  • Funny. My favorites are "Hi Mr. Selim!" and "I'm escaping" scenes.

  • Gorgeous. I'm particularly fond of the night skies in #1, but there's also amazing sea and action scenes.

  • Great banter & dialogue

  • Technical layout as better detailed in this review

  • Love Delilah's mom and uncle

  • Love Selim's

  • Perfect maps for those of us geographically challenged.

While there are some scenes that would work wonderfully in movie romance, there's nothing romantic on the page. They remind me of Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz,in The Mummy but gender flipped while they stay friends and traveling. I LOVE that movie and that couple so much.

The only thing that kinda worries me is the time gaps between each installment. We can't have a very long series if it's all 2 years apart! That's just NOT okay with me. MORE DELILAH DIRK.

Speaking of which, there's this lovely little joke where Delilah is A CAT in Delilah Dirk and the Easy Mark and a short #1.5, Delilah Dirk and the Seeds of Good Fortune.

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This review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon

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  • 15 March, 2019: Reviewed