Rock That Quilt Block by Linda J Hahn, Deborah G. Stanley

Rock That Quilt Block

by Linda J Hahn and Deborah G. Stanley

See what one simple block can really do and build your skills one quilt at a time! Learn how to incorporate a partially foundation-pieced component into a regular pieced quilt with Creative Block Quilts. Further your skills as you work with one magical block to create 10 beautiful quilts that require different techniques and slowly increase in difficulty.
With step-by-step instructions and coordinating diagrams and illustrations to guide you along the way, this is a must-have guide to creating stunning, intricate quilts using just one easy block! Written by independent designer who specializes in easy-to-complete quilting projects using embellishments, Deborah G. Stanley, and fabric designer and award-winning quilt author, Linda J. Hahn.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Rock that Quilt Block is a tutorial and style guide for quilters offering step-by-step design and sewing instruction for the country crown block. Due out 1st June 2020 from Fox Chapel, it's 88 pages and will be available in paperback format.

This is a thorough look at how to break down one quilt block into smaller straight seam sewn units and put them together in various ways and with different contrasts to make *completely* different looking quilts. As such, the basic techniques can be used on any standard quilt block to vary and rearrange the units into an infinite number of variations.

The 10 quilts which are included in the pattern book use (mostly) similar units to make variations on the traditional country crown block pieced quilt. There are two sort of modern looking variations, and the rest are traditional quilts in traditional colorways. The authors include cutting and piecing information, so this would be a good starter guide for beginners. Templates are included.

Beautiful quilts and a perfect activity for the current world pandemic craziness. Five stars. I pieced some sample blocks from the templates and they were problem free. I did not calculate the accuracy of the given supplies needed for each tutorial, but with an experienced eyeball estimate, I found no glaring errors. Materials lists and supplies are given in both American standard and metric measurements. Each project's finished dimensions are given in the descriptions.

Simple but lovely book. I enjoyed it very much. Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 May, 2020: Reviewed