Two Week Turnaround by Geneva Lee

Two Week Turnaround

by Geneva Lee

1. Replace Your Vices
There isn't a coked–out celebutant in Hollywood that Sofia King can't turn around. That is, until her producer father calls in a crazy huge favor... to turn–around the one guy Sofia never wanted to see again.
2. Reduction of Free Time
Actor–out–of–control Isaac Blue is as insanely sexy–hot as ever. The kind of hot that makes a woman toss both inhibitions and panties. All Sofia needs to do is keep Isaac on the straight and narrow until filming wraps up... which means there's only one way Sofia can keep his attention.
3. One day (night) at a Time
Her plan involves replacing Isaac's vices with raw, no–holding–back sex. With her.
Sofia tells herself she knows that she's in control. That in two weeks, Isaac will be a changed man. And then she tells herself that there's no way she could ever fall for Isaac Blue again...

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

I love Geneva Lee! She absolutely knows how to write the hottest, dirtiest things with her couples. Isaac and Fia were perfect, their storyline engaging, and their sexual chemistry together out of this world. Well done!

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  • Started reading
  • 3 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 April, 2015: Reviewed