The Promise of Morning by Ann Shorey

The Promise of Morning (At Home in Beldon Grove, #2)

by Ann Shorey

Ellie Craig grieves the loss of three infant children, and when long-hidden secrets are brought to light, she must find a way to contact the family of her long-lost father. Meanwhile her husband, Matthew, faces controversy in his church and competition from a new arrival in Beldon Grove. Will Matthew find the courage to reclaim his church?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Someone may have told you how the first book in this series [b:The Edge of Light|4683444|The Edge of Light (At Home in Beldon Grove, #1)|Ann Shorey||4734002] was depressing. It was and in starting [b:The Promise of Morning|6605731|The Promise of Morning (At Home in Beldon Grove, #2)|Ann Shorey||6799645] you would think this would be depressing through out as well, but that is not the case. This novel starts with a heart breaking fact of life and continues into a scenario where with modern day medical knowledge we know what is happening, but ignorance hurts. Yet the story continues on. By the book blurb it looks like this is a story about Ellie, and it is, but even more so this is a story about Matthew.

Through both Ellie and Matthew a story is told that is very real, raw, and emotional and something to growth with and from and continue on. In the situations that take place my own mind says I would just give up, but watching the characters and watching how life does continue and seeing how God orchestrates things for the end all is incredible to imagine. This is a book that tells a story about grief, but offers so much healing as well. I highly recommend this book. Though it is the second in a series, you could very well read this one alone. Now, eagerly I look forward to the next novel to come from author [a:Ann Shorey|1949873|Ann Shorey|].

*Thanks to Donna Hausler of Revell Books for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2010: Reviewed