The Timer Game by Susan Arnout Smith

The Timer Game

by Susan Arnout Smith

A searingly page-turning, totally gripping, rollercoaster of a read that will appeal to readers of PJ Tracy and Harlan Coben (and anyone who loves `24' and the `CSI' series).

Grace Descanso is a young single mother working for CSI San Diego. It's a demanding job - Grace struggles to spend as much time as she would like with her 5-year-old daughter Katie. But when a routine crime scene turns into a bloodbath, Grace realises that someone is after her. Then Katie is snatched from their house, the place where they should both be safest. Katie is all she's got - and Grace hasn't got much time to work out why and where she's been taken. Welcome to `The Timer Game'.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

This one has both good and bad elements, the good can be quite good but the bad can break with the suspense. It left a lot of questions at the end as to why characters did what they did.

The main character is ex-doctor CSI investigator Grace Descano. On a holiday and preparing for her 5-year-old daughter Kate's birthday. The team she's with are attacked by a madman and she kills him, which ends her up under investigation and suspended from work.

Then her daughter is snatched and she has to follow clues to find her. Timed clues. Just like she used to play with her daughter. Which adds to the stress she's under.

It's not bad, there are times when you just want things to move on and at the end you wonder why the hero trusted some people and didn't question her trust of others. It did sweep me up but I was left with a slight bad feeling in my mouth.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 January, 2009: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2009: Reviewed