Reviewed by Leah on
I thoroughly enjoyed Between A Rock Star and a Hard Place, Portia has a fantastic writing style which made feel like Nicole was a friend, rather than someone I had only just met and I rather liked her devotion to trying to find Dylan before it was too late – anyone else would have simply left him to their own devices and no one would have been all that bothered, let’s be honest, but I like that Nicole was there for her friend, despite his actions, and despite the fact she was sent on what was a wild goose chase, from pillar to post and back again.
I cannot wait for the first full-length novel Starstruck. I already love Nicole, so I can’t wait to tag along with her as she goes on the ride to wherever she’s going (presumably on tour with Dylan’s band The Burnouts?). I REALLY hope we’ll see more of the delectable Troy, and that he’s not just a one-novella wonder, because I looooved him and I think he and Nicole got on really well and one thing I definitely don’t want is Dylan and Nicole to happen. They’re friends, and Dylan’s a skank and Nicole deserves way better and Troy could be that way better! I can’t wait for more from these guys, they’re ace!
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- 12 February, 2014: Reviewed