Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

5 of 5 stars

This is different from the books I typically read, so why did I choose to read and review it? The blurb caught my attention and I was intrigued by what I read. Well, first of all I must say the cover and the title is very misleading. It does not provide readers with a clue as to what to expect. The story is told from the POV of a cat and his mistress. Yes! You read correctly. The cat whose name is Balou is a British Shorthair. He was taken from the only home he knew at a very early age and sold to a pet shop. He had given up hope of leaving the pet shop, but that all changed the day Roasrio walked into the pet shop and decided to adopt him. Initially she was not looking for a pet and she was being forced by her husband to choose one. Balou caught her eye and against her husband’s wishes ( he wanted a dog) she adopted him. Balou knew the moment he laid eyes on Rosario that all was not well with her. It was then he made it his mission to protect her at all cost. They grew very close to the point of them being inseparable. I stand Corrected addresses the serious issue of domestic abuse. It opens the eyes of readers to the impact that spousal abuse has on the victim and those closely associated with them. It shows how manipulative the abuser can be and how isolated the victim will feel. Reading parts of the story from the Balou’s POV made for some very interesting, humourous and entertaining moments. It did not detract from the seriousness of the story. Balou is an intelligent and intuitive cat who saw what the humans around him did not see. The story is well written and the character development is good. The pace was good and the story flowed from beginning to end. The characters are great, but my favourite is Balou. The way he is portrayed you just can’t help falling in love with him, especially if you are a cat lover. This is a great read and if you are looking for something new and unique, then I Stand Corrected would be a good place to start NB I received a copy of this book as part of book tour in exchange for a honest review

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  • 23 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2014: Reviewed