Headliners by Lucy Parker

Headliners (London Celebrities, #5)

by Lucy Parker

Sparks fly when two feuding TV presenters are thrown together to host a live morning show in Lucy Parker’s latest enemies-to-lovers contemporary romance.

He might be the sexiest man in London, according to his fan site (which he definitely writes himself), but he’s also the most arrogant man she’s ever met.

She might have the longest legs he’s ever seen, but she also has the sharpest tongue.

For years, rival TV presenters Sabrina Carlton and Nick Davenport have traded barbs on their respective shows. The public can’t get enough of their feud, but after Nick airs Sabrina’s family scandals to all of...

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Reviewed by Rowena on

4 of 5 stars

This started off a little slow for me but once it picked up, it really picked up and I really enjoyed it. Lucy Parker definitely redeemed Nick and I hated his ass after the last book so kudos to Lucy Parker on that. I enjoyed Nick and Sabrina's romance and seeing everyone again. This was definitely a good one.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 6 January, 2020: Reviewed