Cloaked in Malice by Annette Blair

Cloaked in Malice (Vintage Magic Mystery, #5)

by Annette Blair

There's nothing Maddie loves more than fabulous vintage clothes, but the visions she gets while touching them are starting to wear her down. Even so, when a beautifully dressed girl comes to Vintage Magic in search of her past, Maddie isn't about to turn her away, especially since she bears a striking resemblance to her good friend Dolly Sweet.

When Maddie touches Paisley Skye's exquisitely crafted child's cloak, the vision she receives is of the ugliest sort: a decades-old case of kidnapping and murder. To give herself more time to investigate, Maddie enlists the help of her FBI Agent boyfriend Nick and takes Paisley into her home. But when Dolly suddenly skips town, Maddie realizes that uncovering the folds of Paisley's past will reveal more than one vintage crime...

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

5 of 5 stars

Excellent read. Very good mystery with a well done plot - the "bad guy" at the end was a surprise for me. I absolutely love the dialogue in this series and Cloaked in Malice didn't disappoint. Witty, dry and snarky with great verbal sparring between all the characters. This is one of those series that for me, quickly became a place to visit with each book, catching up with people you'd love to call your friends and cheering them on as they solve the mystery of the moment.

Can't wait for the next one.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 13 July, 2012: Reviewed