Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

Oh my god. I’m sorry I keep fangirling about Darkhawk, but I honestly can’t help it. This series has been so amazing so far. And honestly I can’t help but hope that this four part series means that there will be a larger series (or involvement on Darkhawk’s part) later. I mean, out of all the Infinity Countdown Darkhawk is the only one to get four issues…so that’s got to mean something, right?
This issue was…wow. That’s really all I can say about it. They keep upping the ante for this character, which is saying something. In the last issue we learned that Robbie’s body is destroyed every time he switches to Darkhawk, and vice versa. That’s pretty terrifying. Robbie also learned a few details about the Fraternity of Raptors that made him painfully aware of just how dangerous they could end up being (and how Nova Corps didn’t seem inclined to handle the issue). So keep that all in mind when I say this issue went beyond that.
Robbie is trying desperately hard to figure out what is going on, stop the Fraternity of Raptors, and take of the people he loves, all while trying to keep his neck in on peace. That’s no easy task, considering what he’s up against.
This issue left off on a huge cliffhanger, and I’m exceptionally anxious to see what happens next. I have theories of course, but one never knows…
Also side note: I shamelessly bought both variants of this issue, because I couldn’t resist the opportunity to support this series that much more.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2018: Reviewed