Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

4 of 5 stars

Bottleneck is the fifth installement of the Scott Cullen series. Picking up where Dyed in the Wool left off, Cullen is enjoying a promotion to Acting Detective Sergeant and is put in charge of investigating a body found in Ediburgh's Old Town. Along the way he deals with job pressures, office politics and personal issues he can't ignore while he searchs for a killer.

I really enjoyed the book, the mystery twists and turns intricately and the pace is steady through the book. As always with Cullen, he struggles with personal issues but there's a sense that Cullen is evolving. Too many authors let their characters stagnate, which erodes the momentum of the series. Not so with Cullen thus far, and that makes it more rewarding while reading the books. The new characters introduced, as well as a look into Cullen's back story add a future potential that promises great things to come.

The book's shocking conclusion left off with a cliffhanger just in case you weren't already going to read the next book. Nicely done! Overall, a great read that didn't disappoint.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2014: Reviewed