What Happens In Tuscany... by T A Williams

What Happens In Tuscany...

by T A Williams

From rainy England…

Katie never imagined her life was perfect. But when she finds herself on a rainy street, soaked to the bone and with only a cheating boyfriend and a dead-end job keeping her in town, she knows something has to change. Which is what leads her to Iddlescombe Manor, to be companion to Victoria Chalker-Pyne – the only 25 year old Katie’s ever met who hasn’t heard of Twitter, thinks girdles are de rigueur, and desperately needs an education in the 21st century!

…to the Tuscan sun!

But it wouldn’t be an education without a summer holiday – and where better than Tuscany? Decamping to Victoria’s family villa, it’s soon clear that the valley really does have it all: sun, sea…and some seriously gorgeous neighbours. The only question is: when the weather’s this hot, the wine is this smooth and the men are this irresistible…will Katie ever want to make the journey home?

Don’t miss deliciously funny romance What Happens in Tuscany… the perfect escape for fans of Fern Britton and Veronica Henry.

Praise for T.A Williams:

‘I'd highly recommend this book, I loved it and I'm looking forward to more from T.A. Williams!’ ─ Chloe S "Chick Lit Chloe" (TOP 1000 REVIEWER)

‘Fantastically fun read, that left me with a smile on my face throughout…a wonderful story about love, and friendship.’ ─Gilbster (TOP 1000 REVIEWER)

‘The perfect book to chase away those February blues and have you dreaming of sunnier climes. It’ll also leave you with the cheesiest grin imaginable. Feel-good fiction at its best.’ ─ Bookaholic Holly

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

T.A. Williams will have released four novels once What Happens In Tuscary is released, but this is actually my first chance to read some of his work, although I do have When Alice Met Danny on my Kindle and I'll be reading it for sure at some point this year. I haven't read many novels set in Italy, so it means that when you do read one set there, it does set it apart, and it is a very special thing and I looked forward to diving in to Tuscany and learning more about the region.

Straight away, I knew I was going to really like reading What Happens In Tuscany, as Katie finds herself somewhat set adrift after breaking up with her idiot boyfriend, and leaving her job as a teacher. As soon as the whole companion thing was revealed and Katie set off to meet Victoria, I was chuffed to pieces. I love books about companions and I love seeing posh, rich people brought in to the twenty-first century. I was surprised at how sheltered Victoria had been, mind, although we soon learn why her father kept her hidden away (not that it was right - it wasn't, at all). It was so much fun to see Katie bring Victoria out of her shell and stop her talking like a character from a Jane Austen book.

I loved when the book hopped over to Tuscany, too. What an absolutely beautiful sounding region! I loved the fact the book was mostly set over there and it had me hankering after my own Tuscan villa to live in, despite the fact I sit in Tenerife as I type this review. But, hey, where you live in never as exciting as where you could live, is it? Tuscany has definitely made my list of places I must visit at some point in the future and I loved seeing the girls have the time of their lives over there, meeting men, going to the beach, attending parties, it was lovely to read about although not so much when it came to the dreaded, sticky Count, ew.

I really, really enjoyed What Happens In Tuscany. I loved the characters - Katie and Victoria are the loveliest of people, people I would definitely want to be friends with! The setting was spot-on. Sigh. I sort of feel like if I flew over to Tuscany now, and headed to where Victoria's villa was, I'd see Dante waiting for breakfast. It was that evocative. I can't wait to go back and read more of Trevor's novels, he's a really great writer and What Happens In Tuscany is a great example of that. And I loved the plot, such a good plot. As I said, it's my favourite kind of plot when people need teaching the ways of the twenty-first century and it was so good to see Katie teaching Victoria! They made quite a pair!{Leah Loves} http://leah-loves.com http://leah-loves.com/books-happens-tuscany-t-williams/

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  • 16 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2015: Reviewed