Fey Born by

Fey Born

Born with a weak heart and an odd birthmark, Lana is a frail farm girl who never could have imagined being magically fated to become a fey host for the sword spirit, Valor. And now the magical sword is missing, stolen from the vaults of Tara, the faery home. The disturbing wonders altering Lana's life have only just begun. Enter Keegan, a fearless fey guardian of the waters, who must find the magical sword for his king. Believing only the physically strong deserve life, Keegan never expects to meet his match in the small, spirited beauty he needs to guide him to the sword. Across dangerous passage tombs beset with enemies, to the shadowy worlds below, through battles of the spirit and body, Lana and Keegan find that destiny has a price. And that even a forbidden and fevered love must be set aside when all the land lies in peril. As an invading army sweeps Eire's shores, a sickly girl must find the strength to face her mysterious fate and claim a guardian's heart . With a passion that, once unleashed, could lead them both into a terrible darkness. Or into the light of a forever love.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

I read this many months ago, a story of love in a version of celtic Ireland with faerie and quests. Lana has a weak heart and an odd birthmark little knowing that this was a sign that she was going to be the host for a fey sword, when Keegan is sent to find the sword he finds himself having to deal with Lana, whom he regards as weak and useless.

It's pretty predictable, readable though. The celtic mythology wasn't too mangled which makes a nice change.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed