Reviewed by Eve1972 on

2 of 5 stars


The cover of this one is actually very good. Great representation of the hero. Great composition. Interesting title work.

The first half or so of this one was good. I enjoyed the writing. The pace was fairly good. I loved the comradery between the friends. I wasn't a HUGE fan of the heroine, but she certainly wasn't the worst I have ever read. Although I found it extremely unlikely that some scared little mouse would go from a victim of severe domestic abuse to an MMA fighter in a few weeks.

But then around 60% this book took a nose dive and became over the top ridiculous. Bailey is fighting like a lunatic with the police that goes on to cause riots. Back talking to a judge. Ex-girlfriend drama. Baby mama drama. Cartel connections. An eye rolling twist that made me lose all the respect I had for the heroine. Not that I had any left considering she believed that the hero killed his baby How can you claim to love someone but take the word of a crazy ex??!! Add in the fact that this late in a book I should have been feeling more of a connection between the H/h than I did. This went way downhill quickly, and I had to force myself to continue.

The drama llama was strong in this one, and that is what ultimately led this one to only getting 2-Stars from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2017: Reviewed