Fight by Paige Hill

Fight (Fate, #1)

by Paige Hill

Fate has kicked my ass from day one.

My name is Teagan Langford and I grew up in the system. Just another child neglect case, crossing a cluttered desk. For a small window of time, I thought fate had taken mercy on me when the future District Attorney swept me off my feet. From the outside looking in, we have the perfect life. The reality, however, is my personal nightmare.

One violent night, fate forces me to make a choice and I must run to survive. With no money, food or place to live, I search for work where cash is king, and questions won’t be asked.

Once again, fate drops me in the hands of a handsome bartender who wants to help me. But everyone has secrets. Ones that have the potential to destroy everything.

A fugitive on the run, one determined stalker, an undercover agent and a high-profile family with a lot to lose. Suddenly, I find myself fighting for life, love, and freedom.

Fight is a full-length romantic suspense that can be read as a stand-alone or as part of the Fate Series. Due to flashes of domestic violence, sexual content, and adult language, this book is not for sensitive readers. Recommended 18+

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars



Personally one of my favorite parts of being an ARC reviewer is getting to try new author's, and Paige Hill is just one of those author's. This appears to be her debut book and as far as debuts go, it was pretty damn good. Was it perfect? well, no. There were a few things plot-wise that was a bit far-fetched and some loose ends, but all in all, it was a well-written book. The pace was fairly quick. It was told in a dual POV format. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet (and maybe a touch predictable) ending.

DECLAN...Declan was pretty much a perfect hero. He was sweet. He was alpha. He was sexy. He wasn't a manwhore. He has a rough past that I think could have used a bit more fleshing out, and he is all in with Teagan right from the start.

TEAGAN...Teagan was a bit of a mixed bag. Not in the sense that I ever disliked her, but I found her behavior a bit bi-polar at times. I found her way too trusting of strangers after everything she went through. She pretty much spilled her story to anyone and everyone. Not to mention, she tells her friend something about Declan that wasn't supposed to be common knowledge. That said, I really did like her. She was sweet. She was kindhearted. She was strong (most of the time)., and she was all about Declan.


There weren't a ton of secondary characters in this one. I loved Martha --- but she was one of the far-fetched problems I had with this book. I also loved Manny -- but he was one of those loose ends I mentioned earlier. Perhaps his story will be explored more in upcoming books? I loved Briggs (Declan's partner). I loved Celeste (a friend that Teagan makes) --- I have a feeling she and Briggs are going to be the next couple featured in this series. 

Low. There are only a couple semi-erotic sex scenes in this one. I wasn't overly bothered by that, but a little more spice would have been welcome.

Low. I didn't find this one particularly angsty. The relationship between the main characters was pretty insta. Maybe a little TOO insta all things considered, but I went with it. Neither were virgins. Declan wasn't a manwhore. Teagan was technically married through the entire book. There was no OW drama. There is OM drama in the form of Teagan's husband, and there is a flashback scene of the first time he was rough during sex with the heroine. 

I enjoyed it. There were a few issues here and there, but for a debut novel, I was pretty impressed with it. The writing was very good. It was well paced. The plot was engaging, and the characters (both main and secondary) were very likable. I am certainly onboard to see what this author has up her sleeve for the next book. Therefore, yours truly is going to give this one two thumbs up.

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