Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars


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I've come to the conclusion that whatever Tessa Bailey writes, I will love.

Troy tried to pull her close, but she evaded him.

"Answer me.  Will you insist on treating me like I'm breakable even if it means losing me?"

His head fell forward on a weary sigh.

"If it comes down to a choice between your safety, your life, and keeping you as my girlfriend, I'd keep you safe every time.  I'm sorry.  It's how I'm built, Ruby."

Ruby swiped at the tear rolling down her cheek.  "What about how I'm built?"

Oh Troy, Troy, Troy,

Of all of the guys that Ms. Bailey has written, Troy has always been the hardest one to figure out.(His Risk to Take)  I never connected with him as much as Brent, Derek or even Matt...etc. (My affection for him has grown, the more I read that book, the more I liked him.)

In this novella/installment I felt like my vision was cleared.  I always thought that Matt was the uber controlling alpha but I think that Troy beats him.  Now, I understand why.  With Ruby's background he was always in some state of fear that something would happen to her, something he could not control.  Ruby, is all about taking care of herself, she has done so, for a long time before Troy ever came around.  The two sides/personalities collide in this one.  As always the sexytimes are ridiculously hot but I enjoyed how Troy and Ruby work through the control issue.

Bowen.  Ahem.  This guy, I tell ya, he is piece of work and he is AWESOME.  Course I'm saying this because I've already had the pleasure of reading Risking it All and it was excellent.  I cannot wait for all that Bowen goodness to be released.  Riskier Business is a novella in the Line of Duty series and prequel to Bowen's novel in the Crossing the Line series.  The new series that begins with Bowen is going to be a fantastic "anti-hero" series.


Purchase Riskier Business:


Preorder Risking it All:

Available 1/26/15

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This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 29 December, 2014: Reviewed