Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

5 of 5 stars

HUNTED BY A JAGUAR by FELICITY HEATON I know that when I take up a book written by Felicity Heaton I am in for an exciting adventure, one that I do not want to end anytime soon. Hunted by a Jaguar did not disappoint. It was everything I was expecting and more.
This is the fourth book in the exciting Eternal Mates series and like the previous books it can be read as a stand-alone. As a side note it would be great to read the other books in the series as they are all good in their own right.
Hunted by a Jaguar is the story of Kyter and Iolanthe. Kyter is a jaguar shifter and the owner of a nightclub in London. He was estranged from his pride due to circumstances beyond his command. However, unforeseen circumstances led to a reunion with his pride. I found the reunion upsetting and my heart went out to Kyter. It’s heartrending to see all he had gone through being a member of the pride. Kyter is strong, but there is a vulnerable side to him, which he keeps hidden from those closest to him.
Iolanthe is a bad ass, deadly and spunky elf. It was a pleasant surprise to discover who she is related to. She is a treasure hunter and was currently on a mission to find an artifact for a dangerous client. Her search led to her crossing paths with Kyter who also happened to be looking for the same artifact. Here we see two people who are complete opposites who have the same goal but different missions. Will they work together to achieve a common goal or will they go it on their own?
The chemistry between them was off the charts. Kyter recognized her as his fated mate. Iolanthe on the other hand is not willing to accept this. Kyter definitely has his work cut out for him. The hunt is definitely on.
The story, although pure fantasy, touched on real life issues such as prejudices, acceptance of self and the value of teamwork. These are areas we relate to at some point in our lives. It has the perfect balance of romance and action. The fight scenes were awesome. Ms. Heaton is skilled at describing scenes which makes the reader feel as if they are a part of it all. The story flows flawlessly from beginning to end. Hunted by a Jaguar is an awesome, sexy, fast paced paranormal romance that will leave you breathless.
If you are a fan of this author then you know what you are missing by not reading this story.
If you are new to her then what better way to acquaint yourself by starting with this series. I highly recommend it.
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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  • 4 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 February, 2015: Reviewed