Sherwood Nation by Benjamin Parzybok

Sherwood Nation

by Benjamin Parzybok

Chosen for the 2016 Silicon Valley Reads program.

It was morning and the power was not yet on. Zach and Renee lay in the heat of the bed listening to the city wake outside the building's windows.

"Parzybok does this thing where you think, 'this is fun!' and then you are charmed, saddened, and finally changed by what you have read. It's like jujitsu storytelling."--Maureen F. McHugh, author of After the Apocalypse

In drought-stricken Portland, Oregon, a Robin Hood-esque water thief is caught on camera redistributing an illegal truckload of water to those in need. Nicknamed Maid Marian--real name: Renee, a twenty-something barista and eternal part-time college student--she is an instant folk hero. Renee rides her swelling popularity and the public's disgust at how the city has abandoned its people, raises an army . . . and secedes a quarter of the city.

Even as Maid Marian and her compatriots build their community one neighbor at a time, they are making powerful enemies amongst the city government and the National Guard. Sherwood is an idealistic dream too soon caught in a brutal fight for survival.

Sherwood Nation is the story of the rise and fall of a micronation within a city. It is a love story, a war story, a grand social experiment, a treatise on hacking and remaking government, on freedom and necessity, on individualism and community.

"Benjamin Parzybok has reached into the post-collapse era for a story vital to our here and now. Sherwood Nation is part political thriller, part social fable, and part manifesto, its every page brimming with gonzo exuberance."--Jedediah Berry (The Manual of Detection)

Benjamin Parzybok is the author of the novel Couch and has been the creator/co-creator of many other projects, including Gumball Poetry, The Black Magic Insurance Agency (city-wide, one night alternate reality game), and Project Hamad. He lives in Portland with the artist Laura Moulton and their two kids. He blogs at

Reviewed by ayla_abbott on

4 of 5 stars

A perfect example of why I get bent out of shape when friends say speculative fiction has no relevance to daily life. Great food for thought with engaging characters. Wrapped up nicely and I suspect it's one of those that's going to stick in my head for a very long time.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2014: Reviewed