Every Dog Has His Day by Jenn McKinlay

Every Dog Has His Day (Bluff Point Romance, #3)

by Jenn McKinlay

A stray kitten and a rambunctious poodle bring together a small-town bachelor and a single mother in the latest romance set in Bluff Point, Maine.

Bluff Point brewery owner Zachary Caine wants nothing to do with commitment. His wild bachelor lifestyle suits him perfectly—until a foster kitten named Chaos makes him a reluctant hero. Now he’s BFFs with the kitten’s two little girls and finds himself falling for their gorgeous mother, who couldn’t think less of him.

Divorced mother Jessie Connelly wants nothing to do with men like Zach. He’s sexy and charismatic and bad news, just like her ex. But her girls adore him, and he’s doing a good job filling in for their deadbeat dad. Then a snowstorm brings out the best in both neighbors, who, it turns out, have more in common than their mutual attraction...

So when Jessie’s past threatens her and her girls, Zach is determined to do whatever it takes to protect them—and live happily ever after with this family he has made his own.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee dates with Every Dog Has His Day

First Date:  Zachary Caine and Jessie Connelly briefly met at the vets where she gave him the "what for." So I was excited to see their romance unfold. It turns out the two are neighbors and thanks to a kitten named Chaos things are about to get interesting. McKinley had me grinning during the first scene as she set the story up. I knew I was in for a treat and settled down with a second cup of coffee.

Second Date: Previous characters and adorable animals added to this story, as Zack and Jessie become friends. I adored Zack. He is this laid back happy go lucky, smart guy who is good with kids and animals. I enjoyed getting his backstory. Now Jessica, on the other hand, I was nervous about. Her reputation in this series hasn't been warm and fuzzy, but we all know there are two sides to every story and by the time Every Dog Has His Day rolled around I wanted her to be accepted. Spending time with her and her children soon had me wanting her to have a happily ever after. The romance built slowly with tender kisses and unexpected heat. It felt genuine with a couple of Hallmark moments woven into the tale.

Third Date: The drama comes from an outside source as attraction and friendship develop into something more.  McKinley gave us a villain and scary situation that will have you flipping the pages and forgetting your coffee. Everything felt realistic, even the girls' actions and I loved the animals roles in the story.  I laughed, cheered and sighed before McKinlay brought this date to its delightful conclusion. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 9 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2017: Reviewed
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  • 9 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2017: Reviewed