Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

Incoming is without a doubt one of the most complex plots of the season (well, that might be an exaggeration, with all of the other events that have been happening lately, but you get my drift). It pulls in dozens of heroes, for a variety of reasons. A lot of the twists and turns in this single issue were not ones I could have predicted, and I love that.

This issue is a whopping 92 pages, which is a good thing, given how much actually happens within these pages. Seriously, looking back at it, I'm surprised they were able to keep it under 100 pages.

There were several moments that literally made me stop and stare at the page. That's thanks in part to the surprise appearances, but also thanks to what was actually happening to or because of those characters. It's given me hope for some of my favorite b or c lister characters, and for that reason alone I love this issue.

Another highlight for this issue is the fact that every setting change resulted in a style and artist change as well. I love massive group projects like this, so that was fairly exciting. If you're looking to see a wide variety of styles and artists, this is an excellent issue for you to check out.

The other part I loved about this issue? It concludes with a list of characters and plot arcs. This is an excellent guide, telling you what series to pick up in order to follow all of the different threads hinted at during this issue. And my comic TBR list has gotten ever larger, thanks to this.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 December, 2019: Finished reading
  • 30 December, 2019: Reviewed