Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I love when two characters, who seem like they can't get over their past, find the right person to help them put the past behind them. That's exactly what we get in Marry Me.

Ben is a drummer in a British rock band. Julia is a fashion designer who helps with their wardrobe. While they are both attracted to each other, it never went past innocent flirting and Ben's jokingly asking Julia to marry him. But their relationship begin changing when Julia finally agrees to have a casual dinner with Ben. From that night, their relationship starts to build and forces both Ben and Julia to take a look at their past hurts and decide whether they can leave everything in the past and move forward with the person that makes them truly happy.

I loved Ben. He's how I wish all rockers were: total stage persona but when he drops his drum sticks, he's a man who only has eyes for one woman and would do anything to ensure she felt protected and loved. Despite the fact that he had lived the past few years through one night stands, we can immediately see that those actions are not the true Ben, but one trying to mask his pain. When Julia entered the picture, he immediately knew that she was much more than a fling and went at her pace to try and ensure the relationship staying on solid ground. It's that effort that makes you love Ben, because he was willing to put Julia's wants and needs first and hoped doing so would ensure his own happiness.

Julia was understandably gun-shy with Ben. But she also put Ben in the same box as her ex, even though she knew they were nothing a like. It took quite a bit for Julia to finally realize what she was doing and then traipse three thousand miles to make sure Ben knew exactly how she felt. I had been on the fence about Julia until that point. Once she willingly looked at what she was doing, fessed up to it and rushed to make amends, she became the heroine I rooted for.

While a short, quick, read, it was very charming and sexy, with a couple you could get behind and cheer to the last page.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 30 June, 2012: Reviewed