The Rock Star in Seat 3a by Jill Kargman

The Rock Star in Seat 3a

by Jill Kargman

"It's Hazel's 30th birthday and she has everything she's ever wanted: a kickass job at a video-game company, a dream New York City apartment, and the perfect boyfriend - who also happens to be a personal chef, and has just proposed in the most romantic way. With good food, video games and love, Hazel thinks she's happy -- but not ready to get married. So when her most far-fetched fantasy suddenly enters the realm of the possible, shouldn't she drop everything to see it through? The morning after her birthday, Hazel leaves for a business trip and receives a surprise upgrade to first class, boards the plane, and sees the person in seat 3B: it's her celebrity crush, rock star Finn Schiller. Just the night before, she had confessed her infatuation with Finn at her birthday party, and her boyfriend joked that she had a free pass if she ever met him. Hazel can't believe fate has actually thrown them together. Even more unbelievable is the flight that follows, as they genuinely connect - even after he sees her vomit due to plane turbulence. Finn likes her uncensored cursing, wicked sense of humor, and that she's not like all his groupies; Hazel likes his killer looks, ripped physique and soulful music. But what started as a fantasy quickly becomes a real attraction and after a dream date and taste of the rock-star life with Finn in Los Angeles, Hazel is forced to examine the track her life is on. Indulging in a passionate affair with a rock star seems crazy - but could she ever forgive herself if she walked away from her wildest dreams coming true? Seasoning with her signature wit and hilarious dialogue, Jill Kargman presents a fairytale romance with a twist"--

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

Books about rock stars are AWESOME. I’m not joking. There’s something so cool about reading about a normal girl meeting a rock star. I don’t know what it is, but it’s fantastic. First, Johnny By Good by Paige Toon, one of my ALL TIME favourites. And now The Rock Star in Seat 3A which is the most epically awesome books I’ve read this year. I’ve never read a Jill Kargman novel before, but as soon as I saw the description I was hooked. HOOKED, folks. I pre-ordered it immediately and read it as soon as it was released. It’s that kinda book. I’ve read all of 19 books this year and this is easily the best one I’ve read. Hands down, no contest, E-P-I-C.

I loved Hazel. I loved how Kargman portrayed Hazel as a down-to-Earth New Yorker who wasn’t rich/insanely beautiful/intensely polite. Hazel told it as it was. She swore, she loved video games, she loved Finn Schiller before she met him, etc. She was real. As real as a fictional character can get, and I say that with the best of intentions. When Finn and Hazel meet, it’s epic and it’s so unputdownable. I just found myself reading and reading and reading, desperate to see where Hazel and Finn would go, desperate to know what Hazel would do about her incredibly lovely boyfriend Wylie. At the end of the day, everyone has that celebrity they’d give it all up for and to read it unfolding for Hazel and Finn was just sooooooooo brilliant. Finn wasn’t necessarily to my taste, but if you just imagine Finn is your hero and Hazel is you, well you’re going to be flying sky high.

The Rock Star in Seat 3A is one of the most readable books I’ve ever read and is easily one of my favourites of 2012. It’s the kind of book you can read again, and again. That will still make you laugh, make you sigh and make you wish you could meet your own celebrity crush. I just loved it, and kudos to Kargman, boy can she write and boy can she give you one of the most outspoken and cool female characters for ages. I hugely recommend it, because I absolutely loved it. You won’t regret purchasing it and come the end of 2012 it could be the best book I’ve read all year. It’s certainly at the top now and it’s the kind of book that you know is easily a favourite as soon as you read the first page.

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