The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3)

by Dan Brown


“Impossible to put down.” —The New York Times

“Thrilling and entertaining, like the experience on a roller coaster.” —Los Angeles Times

Famed Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon answers an unexpected summons to deliver a lecture at the U.S. Capitol Building. His plans are interrupted when a disturbing object—artfully encoded with five symbols—is discovered in the building. Langdon recognizes in the find an ancient invitation into a lost world of esoteric, potentially dangerous wisdom.

When his mentor, Peter Solomon—a long-standing Mason and beloved philanthropist—is kidnapped, Langdon realizes that the only way to save Solomon is to accept the mystical invitation and plunge headlong into a clandestine world of Masonic secrets, hidden history, and one inconceivable truth . . . all under the watchful eye of a terrifying enemy.

Robert Langdon returns in Inferno, Origin, and The Secret of Secrets (coming soon)!

Reviewed by dokie80 on

3 of 5 stars

kayak buku2nya [a:Dan Brown|630|Dan Brown|] yang lain. banyak mengutip alkitab, banyak membahas Tuhan, banyak kode-kode rahasia dan teka teki.
"magic square" nya bikin geleng2, gua sampe meng-"google" beberapa hal karena nih buku. awalnya sih seru, tapi lama2 lambat jalan ceritanya dan ga seru lagi. kalah jauh sama buku2 yang lainnya.
urut berdasarkan yang paling bagus menurut gua:
1. [b:Angels & Demons|960|Angels & Demons (Robert Langdon, #1)|Dan Brown||3338963] - langdon
2. [b:Digital Fortress|11125|Digital Fortress|Dan Brown||40195] - bukan langdon
3. [b:The Da Vinci Code|968|The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)|Dan Brown||2982101] - langdon
4. [b:Deception Point|976|Deception Point|Dan Brown||3135896] - bukan langdon
5. [b:The Lost Symbol|6411961|The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3)|Dan Brown||6600281] - langdon

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 30 June, 2010: Finished reading
  • 30 June, 2010: Reviewed