The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis

The Magician's Nephew (The Chronicles of Narnia, #1) (Narnia) (Pleasure in Reading S.)

by C. S. Lewis

Adapted from the book by C.S. Lewis. Digory is concerned about his ill mother and about his Uncle Andrew, who seems very strange indeed. When Digory and his friend are tricked by Uncle Andrew into embarking on a series of magical adventures, they are brought into contact with the forces of both evil and good. Digory is set a task, which he completes successfully, and the safety of Narnia and the restored health of his mother are thereby ensured.

Reviewed by angelarenea9 on

5 of 5 stars

I love this book so much. I especially enjoyed the parallel to the creation story. The Chronicles of Narnia are such a beautifully written series and so far this one is my favorite.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 January, 2003: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2003: Reviewed