Doctor, Doctor: Incredible True Tales From a GP's Surgery by Dr Rosemary Leonard

Doctor, Doctor: Incredible True Tales From a GP's Surgery

by Dr Rosemary Leonard

BBC Breakfast's Dr Rosemary Leonard shares a collection of incredible true tales from her twenty years as a south London GP.

'Hello, this is the emergency services. Do you require fire, police or ambulance?' asked the female switchboard operator with brisk professionalism. I thought fast. 'I actually need all three,' I answered .

It's not every day that a home visit turns out to be an eco-protestor with appendicitis stuck up a tree. But as Dr Rosemary shares in this book, it's all part of a day's work for a south London GP. From an octogenarian nymphomaniac to a teenager in labour with a baby she didn't know about, when Dr Rosemary opens her surgery door she doesn't know who's going to walk in...

Reviewed by tellemonstar on

Good. Review to come.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 May, 2014: Reviewed