Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

3 1/2 Stars.

Rock Candy is a short story by Devon Monk set in the Ordinary Magic world. This novella takes place after Gods and Ends, but can be read as a standalone too (just be aware that if you do this you will get some minor spoilers, mostly of the relationship variety). I think fans of the series would probably appreciate it more, but it’s also not a bad way to get your feet wet as far as trying out a new series is concerned.

Rock candy is told from the perspective of Jean, the youngest Reed sister. She’s less grounded than the other two and much more playful. Her perspective makes for a fun change in the series. It also fits the plot pretty well, if I may say so.
I picked this novella to read because it felt like perfect timing for right around Halloween – perfectly themed but not scary (I’m a chicken and I’ll proudly admit it). I wasn’t expecting all the laughs that came along with it, though they were certainly welcome. There’s only so much I can say without giving everything away, so I’ll just leave it at this: zombie garden gnomes. And no, I don’t mean the ones they sell online (though those are pretty hilarious too).
Reading this novella really reminded me why I liked the series so much, so now I’m feeling driven to get caught up again. I think I know what I’m reading next!

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  • Started reading
  • 9 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2017: Reviewed