The Readymade Thief by Augustus Rose

The Readymade Thief

by Augustus Rose

"For fans of Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, an arresting literary puzzle that introduces an unforgettable young heroine plunged into the twisted world of a secret society occupying the derelict buildings of Philadelphia, which heralds the arrival of an astoundingly imaginative and propulsive new voice in fiction. Lee Cuddy is 17 years old and on the run, alone on the streets of Philadelphia. After taking the fall for a rich friend, Lee reluctantly accepts refuge in the Crystal Castle--a cooperative of homeless kids squatting in an austere, derelict building. But homeless kids are disappearing from the streets of Philadelphia in suspicious numbers, and Lee quickly discovers that the secret society's charitable facade is too good to be true. She finds an unexpected ally in Tomi, a young artist and hacker whose knowledge of the Internet's black market is rivaled only by his ability to break into and out of buildings. From abandoned aquariums to highly patrolled museums to the homes of vacationing Philadelphians, Tomi and Lee can always chart a way to the next, perfect hide-out"--

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


Excellent cover on this book. Great representation of the story. It's very unique and eye-catching and has great composition.

OMG, this book was FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC and it's a debut novel to boot! This reads very much like a Dan Brown book for the younger crowd. Secret societies. Symbolism. Abandoned places. Riddles and codes. Murder and mystery. Art. The Darknet. Science. Twists and Turns. Phenomenal writing. Well paced. An intriguing and unique plot. A cast of interesting and well-developed characters. I am blown away that this is the author's first book.

Not much more to say really. I LOVED every second of this one. I was sucked in and walked around with my nose glued to my tablet. I am hoping there will be more of this story in a second book. My heart hurts over a certain incident, but I am hoping maybe just maybe not all is as it seems. A girl can dream, right? In any case, this one gets two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 July, 2017: Reviewed