Expecting by Ann Lewis Hamilton


by Ann Lewis Hamilton

Laurie and Alan are thrilled to find out that they'll finally be having a baby, until they discover the unthinkable: the doctor has impregnated Laurie with the wrong man's sperm. Alan is reeling, torn about the new child that's not his and suddenly unsure about any of his commitments. His shock is almost as great as that of Jack, a college junior who suddenly finds out he's a father, and whose identity is discovered as he is juggling finals, his fraternity, a fund shortage, and two girlfriends.

Reviewed by Leah on

2 of 5 stars

I was very excited to have the opportunity to read and review EXPECTING by Ann Lewis Hamilton, but overall I was disappointed with the novel. It started very well, but I soon got lost in all the baby making talk. I can very much appreciate what Laurie and Alan go through, it's just not my kinda thing, as it's not something I have experience with.

I expected a somewhat light-hearted, entertaining read, but it wasn't that at all. I found the third-person, present-tense narrative jarring and the characters spent more time dreaming up scenarios than having actual scenarios play out on the pages. I also wasn't a massive fan of the quick, jarring paragraphs. The scenes in the novel should have been better presented, instead of the quick-fire rapid way which didn't really allow me to get into the scenes, as just as one scene started, it was over and we were onto the next "bit".

EXPECTING just wasn't my kind of novel. I won't be reviewing it on my blog, but I wanted to provide a little bit of feedback.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2014: Reviewed