Reviewed by Hillary on
When I first gave my life back to God, I heard about Grace. How God himself forgives you of everything. I had a hard time understanding this concept. I kept feeling as I needed to be punished for my past transgressions.
In “Grace” Lucado explains how this concept covers everything. How God’s grace and mercy are greater than we could ever imagine. He also explained that when we keep punishing ourselves for what we think is a sin that in itself is a sin because we are thinking that our judgment is greater than God’s. He goes on to say that Jesus really did take away all of our sins on the cross and that once we receive Grace that God’s mercy covers us.
This book goes in depth about Grace and I ended up reading it at a time when I really needed to hear the message within.
This book is highly recommended.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land
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- Started reading
- 31 March, 2013: Finished reading
- 31 March, 2013: Reviewed