Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Sophie and Tim met at a charity event and for two years seemed to be on the road to matrimony. But on the night of their two year anniversary the dynamics of their relationship changes and it causes Sophie to start questioning why she thought they were such a fit for one another. Then the focal point of her teenage crush, Dan the lead singer of Tusk, enter life and turns things upside down. Will Sophie choose Dan, the man she's loved for the past two years or the man who was the star of her girlhood dreams?

I thought the premise of this book was great. Who wouldn't love to suddenly finding your girlhood crush interested in you? As Sophie's story unfolded I found myself not understanding or connecting with Sophie and questioning every choice she made after her ill-fated trip to Paris with Tim. While I could understand her questioning her relationship with Tim, what I couldn't is why she would stay with him when he had so many marks in the "Con" column. He didn't really seem to have any endearing qualities to him that would have me making excuses to stay with him. Everything seemed to be about him and his wants and never about what they both might want or even what Sophie wanted. I could see why Dan would appeal to her and why she would grasp onto a relationship where she at least felt like the center of the man's world. But dump the first deadbeat before you move onto someone else!!!

I did like Dan in that lovable aged rocker who doesn't want to grow up kind of way. He was a big kid that didn't really know how to give up his rock star ways, even when he finally found the one woman that has ever understood the real "Dan". If I were Sophie, I'd be prepared for Dan to work on his "burger addiction" and prove he can be the man she wants and needs.

I did feel myself softening towards Sophie after she made some tough choices about what she wanted out of her life. She grew from the ordeal and was starting to be truer to herself. It makes me wonder what will happen in book two of the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 13 September, 2012: Reviewed