Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

Christian, The Duke of Randford, has no time for another blunder made by his half-brother, Meri. Unfortunately, Meri has up and died and left three wives behind. No matter how hard he may try, Christian can’t walk away this time.

Katherine Vareck was married to Meri for a year. He left just after the wedding breakfast and didn’t even consummated the marriage. She hadn’t seen him since. Once she is brought to Meri’s solicitor, she accidentally meets the other two wives. Wife number two, Constance, is with child and could deliver any day. Wife number three, Blythe, is the sister of a Viscount who is glad to be rid of her. With a little persuasion from her dear friend and right arm gal, Willa, Kat invites the two other wives to stay with her as long as they need to. The three ladies begin a wonderful friendship as they start the long journey to find out where their husband stashed their dowries.

Kat and Christian’s spark is instant and will not go unchecked. While Kat is busy readying her business for a royal contract, Christian is receiving unfathomable items left to him by his half-brother. All the while, the two share burning kisses and explosive passion.

MacGregor has another winning series on the books. This book is only book one and it has it all! She gives us fiery romance, mystery, drama, and an explosive climax that one character has to control all on their own for the possibility of a happily ever after. We still have two wives who need to find theirs. Who will win the hearts of Constance and Blythe?

I received A Duke in Time (The Widow Rules #1) for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 2 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 2 April, 2021: Reviewed