Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Adara is turning twenty-one and while she is a legal adult, she is still under the thumb of her Uncle and cousin. Adare has spent a number of years at the hands of her abusive Uncle to the point she does not even try to break free while she longs to escape. She has a plan that really is not thought out and planned well. It takes Julien for her to gain the courage she needs to break free.

Julien Crofton is an ex-special forces private investigator. Julien helps abused woman besides is normal job and a private investigator. He seems specially attuned to seeing signs of abuse. Julien comes across as a protector type who while dangerous can ease an abuse victims easily.

The one thing that I found unrealistic was how easy Adara seemed to bounce back after the years of abuse at the hands of her uncle and cousin. I would have expected more of residual issues, like trust and maybe nightmares. However, Adara seemed to bounce back as if nothing bad happened. It was a bit odd.

I found this book well written with a unique twist of fairly traditional plot. The main characters and the secondary characters were realistic. While the ending was a little predictable, the journey the book takes the reader is gripping with several unexpected twists and turns. I had a hard time putting this book down. Overall, this was a very wonderful book and I hope to see these characters again in the future.

Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 January, 2015: Reviewed