Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

The blurb for One Night in the Spa had me at "seduction and sexual discovery"! For being so short, it definitely delivers on both! Kim and David have been friends for three years. She's manager at a gym, and he's the manager at the neighboring spa. He's been in love with her for their entire friendship, and now she's finally looking at him as a man rather than simply her best friend. However, David is keeping another secret from Kim, and Kim is going through some changes that make her think she's insane. That's when he comes up with the brilliant plan of scheduling her a facial and a massage after closing time. What happens in the spa, stays in the spa? Or maybe not.

The first thing I liked about One Night in the Spaa was the gender role reversal. David is an aesthetician, while Kim is a personal trainer after a knee injury cancelled her professional sports career. It was very refreshing to have it set up this way. Another thing that I absolutely adored was how different some of the plot elements were. Kim is going through puberty at the age of 24 and it is sending her hormones into a frenzy! This was interesting and hilarious to read about! It definitely makes One Night in the Spa stand out from other romances. There were only twos things that I didn't like, one was the "betrayal" side plot. It felt out of place and like it was added in to make a brief conflict for our love interests. It was really unnecessary and I could have done without it. The other was the opening scene of David coming to Kim's rescue during a sexual assault. There are other ways to bring people together that don't involve gratuitous sexual violence.

Overall though, One Night in the Spa was a very fun and sexy read. At only 77 pages, you'll fly through it! It has some really great and unique features that I really liked, but it also has its faults. I actually was expecting the story to cover just the one night David and Kim spend in the spa, but it does cover a slightly longer time frame than that, which was fine but didn't necessarily add much to the romance as a whole. I still enjoyed it though and recommend it to readers looking for a bite sized romance.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 1 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 September, 2013: Reviewed