The Iliad by Homer

The Iliad (Globe S.) (Narrativa74) (BCP Paperback S.) (Kingfisher epics) (Unabridged Classics in MP3)

by Homer

"The finest translation of Homer ever made into the English language."--William Arrowsmith
"Certainly the best modern verse translation."--Gilbert Highet
"This magnificent translation of Homer's epic poem . . . will appeal to admirers of Homer and the classics, and the multitude who always wanted to read the great Iliad but never got around to doing so."--The American Book Collector
"Perhaps closer to Homer in every way than any other version made in English."--Peter Green, The New Republic
"The feat is decisive that it is reasonable to foresee a century or so in which nobody will...Read more

Reviewed by viking2917 on

4 of 5 stars

What a great translation this is....

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  • Started reading
  • 26 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2015: Reviewed
  • Started reading
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  • 26 August, 2015: Reviewed