Pastry School in Paris by Cindy Neuschwander

Pastry School in Paris

by Cindy Neuschwander

Twins Bibi and Matt learn about different liquid measurements when they go to Les Jumelles Coccinelle International Pastry Academy while on a trip to Paris with their parents and dog.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.Read on August 06, 2011 — I own a copy

Now this is what I call fun learning! While I was in school I did a lot of culinary arts classes and the going between American and Metrics was always a little confusing at first. (Why could we not have all just stayed with metrics?) I learned to enjoy the math stories with Cindy Neuschwander and now after reading this Pastry School in Paris: An Adventure in Capacity I just know they are going to get better and better. I cannot wait to read Patterns in Peru: An Adventure in Patterning.

The twins Bibi and Matt Zills are at it again and this time learning how important liquid measurements and proper ingredients are in cooking. I think that once your kiddos are of an age to understand helping in the kitchen (and even before) they will enjoy reading this story and learning along with them. It has humor and a cuteness that will stay with you. I'm delighted to put it on our keeper shelf for and for homeschooling I plan on bringing it out again and again when we're working on volume and capacity.

This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 11 November, 2015: Reviewed