The Atlantis Bloodline by C.A. Gray

The Atlantis Bloodline

by C.A. Gray

When sweet Ada Edwards meets the mysterious Kaison Hughes, lead singer of the biggest band in the world, she can't understand what he sees in her. Despite everyone's warnings about him, she's rapidly falling in love. But it's obvious he has a secret, and he's not all he appears to be.

Kai's life isn't his own, and his fame isn't the half of it. As a member of a secret organization known as the Elioud, descended from the Atlantean daughters of the Pleiades, he's been commissioned with a task: to reintegrate the lost line of Maia into their...Read more

Reviewed by bgsbooks18 on

4 of 5 stars

I received an advanced copy for free in exchange for a honest review.

I loved this book. I loved the story line and the concept. I found if very interesting and loved the characters. I honestly couldn’t get enough of this book. I ended up finishing it in a day, it was so interesting. Over all I would highly recommend this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 April, 2020: Finished reading
  • 29 April, 2020: Reviewed