Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Chris Seabranch for allowing me to review Butterfly Islands.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Butterfly Islands for free from Chris Seabranch for free for my honest and unbiased review**

Now onto my review:

I was really excited to read this book. I mean, a book about girl pirates. I was a bit cautious because I have gotten my hopes up about books before and I ended up being disappointed.

This book didn’t disappoint, at all. From the beginning, when Casey makes her escape from her abusive stepfather and her evil (for lack of a better word) soon to be husband, it packs in action. The run through town and into the jungle, her near capture and Dusky Wing’s help was awesome.

I really liked Casey’s character. She evolved during the story. She went from being a upperclass, spoiled brat (even she admits it in the book) to a 100% bad ass girl pirate. I loved it. I also loved that she was totally confused about her equal attraction to Dawn and Blake.

The other storyline (the one where she meets Blake and Timothy Thomas in jail) was pretty interesting too. It centers around a lost shop, a map, a jewel and a betrayer whose identity made me really surprised when it was revealed.

Like I said, this book didn’t disappoint me at all. The ending was truly a reflection of how the character (and the book) evolved with the story. That is something you don’t really find in other books.

These characters weren’t one-dimensional either. I felt their grief, their happiness, their confusion (you will understand once you read the book). I came to care about Casey and her friends.

There is one thing that I absolutely loved about this book. It was the floating rock that is attached to the city. For some reason, that fascinated me and my imagination went overboard with what it looked like.

How many stars will I give Butterfly Island? 4

Why? This book was a great pirate adventure. It had everything in it and I loved it. From suspense to mystery to adventure to love (or wanna be love….lol) to a villain who is pure evil.

Will I reread it? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age Range: Teen on up

Why? Lots of violence, some sexual situations and some language

Last modified on

Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 14 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2016: Reviewed