The King by J R Ward

The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12)

by J. R. Ward

J.R. Ward's # 1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood continues as a royal bloodline is compromised by a grave threat to the throne.

Long live the King…

After turning his back on the throne for centuries, Wrath, son of Wrath, finally assumed his father’s mantle--with the help of his beloved mate. But the crown sets heavily on his head. As the war with the Lessening Society rages on, and the threat from the Band of Bastards truly hits home, he is forced to make choices that put everything--and everyone--at risk.

Beth Randall thought...Read more

Reviewed by Caitiebelle on

5 of 5 stars

This is by far one of my favourite books in the series so far!

Wrath and Beth's story has always been my very favourite. There's just something something something about Wrath that just... le dream sigh...

His attitude is also very fun to read! hehe He doesn't take any bullshit, he knows his strengths, but he's also vulnerable - and he loves his Shellan very very very much.

It's such a wonderful read. His absolute fear about her getting pregnant, their problems regarding this, the problems with the Council - I mean the poor dude is gonna blow!! And he does...oh how he does....

Our dear [a:J.R. Ward|20248|J.R. Ward|] does not disappoint! The writing is very good, I could not put this book down. Not that I can ever put down any of them really - but this one I have read twice now, very close together hehe.

It's an absolute MUST read.

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  • 2 March, 2019: Reviewed
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  • 2 March, 2019: Reviewed
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  • 2 March, 2019: Reviewed