Reviewed by Sarah Says on

4 of 5 stars

Battle scenes, gore and vampire lore, OH MY.
And here was I thinking book six was fast and furious, book seven was even more so!

The book starts with a big bang and rips through at a startling pace. Battle scenes galore, revenge seeking, deception, decaying corpses and the genocide of a certain paranormal species.

I am SHOOKETH. Why you say, because:

The genocide of a certain paranormal species – Yeah, that.


I was keen after Danny’s descendant turning up in book 6 to see how that character panned out – It didn’t end up going the way I was hoping.

There is the reappearance of a character from the very first book.

We get to meet the new Lieutenant of hell – Yeah, super fun times bro.

*spoiler* Danny gets his psychic powers back – I LOVED this twist actually!

THE EPILOGUE! Those last couple of sentences!!!! – Bring on book 8 and what I’m sure will be a killer conclusion to this action packed, heart and heat filled paranormal crime fighting series supreme.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 23 December, 2018: Reviewed