Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

[b:Baby Parade|16190496|Baby Parade|Rebecca O'Connell||22109029] is adorable. The text is simple and perfect for the toddler or just budding reader and the illustrations are so much fun and full of life. They are absolutely lovely. It is great for both my toddler and preschooler's enjoyment. I like it as a picture book, but I would adore it as a board book. I mean a lap size board book especialls (same size as the picture book is now), because the images are just too much fun to downsize. So much observation and conversation sparks are held through out. I'm delighted with this book. I'll definitely look for other books illustrated by [a:Susie Poole|324289|Susie Poole|].

*Thanks to Albert Whitman & Co for providing a copy for review.*


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  • Started reading
  • 18 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 April, 2013: Reviewed